Make Diversity & Inclusion Meaningful
Great results don’t just happen, they happen because our workshops have a proven track record of building better workplace inclusion.
Great results don’t just happen, they happen because our workshops have a proven track record of building better workplace inclusion.
As a certified minority enterprise, The Alhaven Group (TAG) was created to partner with corporations and organizations to uncover and heal the past injustices African Americans have faced and ultimately cure and eliminate the racist system that pervades most companies.
TAG was founded in 2020 by two friends, Dr. Kai Dupé and Dr. Mateen A. Diop, who grew up in an impoverished, segregated neighborhood in San Antonio, TX. We realized early on that there had to be more to life than Alhaven and Amanda streets- the streets where we grew up. Eventually we earned our doctoral degrees- mine from Pepperdine University, and Dr. Mateen A. Diop’s from Texas A&M University-Kingsville. Neither of us would forget the inherent racism we faced in our neighborhood schools- and later in life- through my experience in corporate America, and Dr. Diop’s as a leader in the field of education.
The education sector will benefit from The Alhaven Group (TAG) Diversity and Inclusion workshops in several ways. Our Managing Partner- is a former public-school teacher, administrator, and central office executive. Our experience leading teams of educators on campuses and central office staff is unmatched.Â
The Alhaven Group will help schools and school districts understand the implicit biases most minority students face when attending neighborhood schools. We will provide real-life examples of educators’ perceptions and decision-making regarding tracking and how students of color are labeled to their detriment.Â
Our consultants will benefit your Human Resources department by showing how positioning minority staff (particularly Black males) in your school district’s key positions can lead to increased student performance for your overall school district.Â
Lastly- TAG can benefit your education sector by showing real data and sharing success stories of the many schools in which they have provided training, coaching, and consultation, which have led to increased student performance, campus culture, and teacher retention.
Venture Capitalist firms can benefit from this training as it will foster an understanding of what minority tech founders face as they operate from a position of disadvantage due to systemic racism. Â This workshop will leaders of VC firms to empathize with the plight of the minority tech founder and perhaps help them to embrace the notion of funding a startup which without such empathy and understanding they would previously overlook.
Establishing an inclusivist anti-racism culture starts at the top. Any efforts to eliminate racism in the workplace will fail if it is not endorsed by senior leadership. This workshop will help corporate leadership to understand and embrace the need to foster anti-racism in their organizational structures.
This workshop will help folks who are involved in hiring, recruiting, and human resources to recognize and understand the obstacles that people of color face in the tech field. This workshop can also help them to understand how they can modify their practices and processes to ensure that they are not biased. The learnings of the workshop will help. organizations in their goals for diversity recruitment.
Gain an understanding of racist structures and practices within your organization Conversations around race
Create a more empathetic and dynamic workforce. Generate new ideas and solutions.
Employees will learn how to recognize and respond to their hidden biases based on stereotypes and unfair assumptions. How to decrease micro aggressions. Understand cultural bias.
Here’s how my diversity & inclusion workshops are based in 30+ years of expert study and effective practical execution.
Qualitative by design, this study examines the perspectives, insights, and understandings of African American software development engineers. Accordingly, participants in this research study provided key insights regarding strategies, best practices, and challenges experienced by African American software development engineers while developing and implementing application programs at American corporations. Participants’ perspectives provided an insightful understanding of the complexities of being an underrepresented minority in an American corporate information technology department.